Submissions of manuscripts meeting the required scholarly standards are always welcome.

Please note the authors’ guidelines below. The speed by which manuscripts are processed largely depends on the extent to which authors have already taken these guidelines into account.

In most cases, it makes sense to contact the editorial office during the planning phase (see imprint). The editors accept no liability for unsolicited manuscripts. In any case, manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter stating the name, title and address (if possible also fax and email) of the author(s). Please send manuscripts to the following e-mail address:        or

Format and Style

Manuscripts submitted for publication must meet the usually scholarly standards and requirements. Particular attention is paid to logical consistency and clarity of reasoning, and to the use of literature and other documents supporting arguments or hypotheses. Please consult previous issues of the journal for examples of form and style. The structure of empirical contributions should correspond to the following structure as closely as possible: Introduction - Problems - Literature - Methods - Results - Discussion of results - Conclusions. Non-empirical contributions can be modified as necessary. Texts should be structured by subheadings to help distinguish chapters and subchapters.

Technical considerations

The Journal of Anomalistics publishes articles in German and in English. Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form in a common text format (docx, doc, odt, rtf). Please do not submit texts as PDF files. Please note the information on the "Stylesheet of the Journal of Anomalistics".

Tables and figures must be attached on separate sheets and numbered consecutively. They must be made available in reproducible, good printing quality, as the editors do not edit illustrations or tables. For each illustration or table, inscriptions and explanations must be enclosed on a separate sheet. The desired position of the illustrations and tables in the text must be indicated by inserts such as "– insert Table 2 here –".

Footnotes are allowed but should be used sparingly. They are only permitted to add to the content of the main text, and must not be used for strictly bibliographic purposes.

Literature references follow the APA (6th edition) style: References must be made in the main text in author-date format. In case of more than one publication per author and year, references must be marked "a, b, c", etc. In the bibliography at the end of the article, all references are to be listed in alphabetical order by authors’ surnames, followed by the initials of the first name, year of publication (and year of publication in ascending order if more than one work by the same author is cited), title, volume and page for periodicals, and publisher and place of publication for monographs and edited volumes.

See stylesheet of the Journal of Anomalistics for further guidelines.

The manuscript must include an abstract describing as precisely and shortly as possible the content of the article (e.g., questions, methods, results, conclusions).

Copyright and Right of Use

By submitting the manuscript, the author automatically transfers the copyright for the article to the Journal of Anomalistics in case of publication. However, the editorial staff will be happy to agree to any reprints in other journals or other uses upon the author's request.

After publication, authors may post their final published article on their own or institutional websites.

If the manuscript has already been published or is to be submitted elsewhere, the author must inform the editors in the cover letter. Articles that are not original will only be published in exceptional cases.

Editorial Procedure

All submitted manuscripts are subject to an anonymous peer-review process. Manuscripts that are acceptable in principle but do not quite meet the required standards will either be returned for revisions, and/or edited to be published following the author’s approval of edits.

In order to promote scholarly discussion, in addition to anonymous peer review the editors will usually invite critical comments on a manuscript accepted for publication from other experts. Authors should assume that such commentaries will be published together with their article, and will have the opportunity for author responses. Authors are requested to submit suggestions of possible commentators to the editorial staff together with their article submission, accompanied by brief justifications/explanations and addresses. Acceptance of suggestions cannot be guaranteed, and editors will usually also consult other experts independently.

Before the article is approved for printing, authors receive proofs for any final corrections, but the content of the article can no longer be modified. Proofs must be returned to the editorial office as soon as possible, and no later than by the date requested by the editor. After publication, the author will receive a complimentary copy of the respective issue.

Download: Stylesheet of the Zeitschrift für Anomalistik (PDF)