Legitimacy of Unbelief
The Collected Papers of Piet Hein Hoebens

Gerd H. Hövelmann, Hans Michels (Eds.)

Perspektiven der Anomalistik Band 4

From the late 1970s through the mid-1980s Dutch journalist Piet Hein Hoebens held a unique position in the controversies between proponents and skeptics of parapsychology and related areas in what today often is referred to as “anomalistics”. While he described himself as a card-carrying skeptic, albeit one with strong “ecumenical” leanings, even many of his nominal opponents, the parapsychologists, deeply appreciated his in-depth knowledge of their field and his penetrating, but always fair and open-minded criticisms. Hoebens’ constructively skeptical influence on the culture of responsible scientific exchange is felt to this day, as can be seen from many recent references to both his popular articles and his publications in scientific journals and books.

For this book, the editors have collected (and in many cases translated) more than 40 of Hoebens’ most significant or characteristic writings, about half of which were never published in English before. Partly based on the so-called “Hoebens File”, they have also added editorial introductions and comments to elucidate the contexts in which these papers were written and to explicate their lasting relevance. Therefore, the book is more than a commemoration of an important author – it provides valuable insights into the history of parapsychology and its skeptical reflections and repercussions.

Book data:

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